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wilkomen zum oktoberfest!

we left zurich that night, but didnt leave switzerland. stranded again we sought an improvised campground out of sight behind a gas station. for dinner we cooked a bag of intant rice, mixed with a can of corn, toast and nutela for desert. the weather was perfect, this was better than a shtupid hostel. the next day we were back on route before getting a chance to stretch. our drivers, two of coolest ladies heading to see family in germany. they had been friends for decades, both fluent in five languages. we had a quick pit stop and shared childhood stories and fruit snacks. they talked about checkpoint charlie, the fall of the berlin wall and how buildings used to not have restrooms built in. they hitch hiked in their time, pleased to see we were doing the same from across the world. leaving switzerland we spent ten minutes driving through austria, and arrived in munchen an hour later. the roads were now dominated by classy BMW's and Volks Wagons. they stopped at the airport early in the morning, took a quick picture and wished us good luck as they waived good bye. you see, who said hitch hiking is scary? we headed underground and hopped on a train going downtown. blackriding made me nervous, there was no fine, it was jailtime. with each stop, more people wearing wonderful outfits would populate the train. everyone was in on it, from the kids to the elderly, as if i walked into the set of beauty and the beast. this oktoberfest thing was bigger than anything i could imagine. we unboarded at the HBF station, safe from the law, and found a restaurant with wifi. jorge was a friend from back home now studying in berlin. he was waiting for the past couple days so getting in touch was the priority. checking our mail, he left a message instructing us to meet at the main entrance of the festival, however we were a day late. with no other options we messaged him to try again. the festival was incredibly huge, hard to not lose anyone in the masses. the carnival rides and food stands came alive while everyone was getting their beer on. we took turns standing guard at the entrance and wandering into the fair, admiring and dreading its capacity. how the hell are we going to find this guy?? we spent about 6 hours of fruitless searching meanwhile taking spicy curry vurst sausage breaks. vilkomen zum oktoberfest! we gave up at midnight and the worst part was being stuck in the city with no host. we set off into dark streets as intoxicated passerbys walked their way home. ok, plan B, we camp at a park! worst they can do is arrest us right? we made it to the entrance of a few square blocks of vegetation. miguel saw a guy taking a leak and without shame asked "is this a park? hey man, is this, hey, is this a park?" the pisser dismissed him. a pedestrian turned around and with a thick bavarian accent said "ya, ziz is zeh park" he noticed our bags and connected the dots rather quickly. "yu need plaze to sleep?" he asked. without hesitation miguel replied " ya sure man that would be great". he analyzed us once more, like you would to a menu drunk at 3am, and said "ok, you stay, but one nite! komm". on the way to his place i practiced my deutsche "ich kommit aus texas" (i come from texas) which he replied with "ah! Tekzaz, chorch boosh, i done like chorch boosh" (GeorgeW.Bush) yea us either! sehr gut. "kahn you dzrrink bier?" he asked "i'll drink anything you put in front of me" i contested. he laughed, gestured in a 'get outta here' manner and shouted "fahk off! yankeez alwayz say zaht. fahk off!" we were all laughing, not knowing if he was serious or not, but continued on to his place. "hav you triet jerman bier?" he asked."no sorry, we just got to germany a little while ago"."Vaz? I sho you reelle jerman bier! no, no i sho you". we got to a pub on the first floor of his flat building and pitched in for a couple liters of real german beer, AugustinerBrau. we headed upstairs, pried the tops off *prosit* and drank. this brew was on the next level of beer. bold rich flavor that went down smooth, an instant favorite. "shhh, my flatmate zis a wanker" he made us some type of salami, yellow sausage and cheese along with fresh pretzels. bennys impression was of an overall funny asshole type of guy, only we was he was just joking about being an asshole. back in his room he put on some rap music and sang along "i got a hoee!!" by devin the dude. to my surprise sleep took him before me, poor guy had a headstart in the beer tent. we caught up on emails and couchsearching that night before nesting on the floor. we thanked him and left early the next morning to meet up with jorge. he was wearing a cowboy hat and boots and happy to see us at the HBF. we met his bff der volgermeister and picked up ingredients for a traditional bavarian meal on the way, consisting mostly of deliciously zesty beef and pork eaten with a side of bread. "we have to fill up, tonights a big night, prepare for heavy drinking!". we pre-gamed a liter and a half and headed to the festival. Lederhosen and dyrndles everywhere, liter glasses in everyones hands. singing, hugging and dancing on tables was encouraged. jorges friend johannes provided us with a couple seats at table of extremely high demand a close to impossible task in one of the overfilled beer tents, more like a mini stadium-restaurant-bar in one. A trru jerman dzrrinks NINE liters of beer! i was barely on my third :/. Our new friend pete from ny was feeling generous and bought a round for everyone. Prosit! i dont remember much after that. the next day, were loaded into an old school volks wagon van -correction- bus, and drove off to obersdorf where brohannes lived above a schnapps museum. out in the south countryside, mountains surrounded his home. his family welcomed us and we got to work in the kitchen, preparing for a mexican style feast for about fourteen. jorge was the head chef of this particularly comforting meal, everyone was stuffed with compliments to give. hiking time! johannes grew up exploring the forest, it didnt take much convincing to get us to go the next day. we awoke from under our bearskin blanket and drove over to the base of the mountain. this particular trek was for lightweights but the scenery was incredibly. the great outdoors; forest, trails, fresh air. what more could you ask for? the end of the trail hit a lakeshore with cold ass fkn water for swimming. everyone hesitated at first except johannes, who stripped down and jumped right in. it was revitalizing, but 20 minutes was all my puny body could take. sehr gutes vasser.**austria was just on the other side of the mountains** that night i went along with our new posse of snowboarders for a few beers. these guys arent kidding, theyre used to drinking beers by the liter all the time. we took turns with the karaoke microphone, finished a few pitchers and left to try out the different venues. the next day we were back in munchen, i had been messaging an old friend/ exchange student from high school, luckily she was in town for the festival. I spent the day with her and she joinded us for some drinks and live music. at sun up we were packed and ready for a destination, but where now? miguel and i heard nothing but great things about the city prague and figured it wouldnt be worth missing. leaving the city was easy but getting a ride in cold rainy weather wasnt. we tried for hours, even got pulled over by an officer in a BMW. no were not drug mules! we just want a ride. nightfall came and the cold got colder. i sought for a spot to camp while miguel mecilessly thumbed it in the rain. just give up man, lets put some food in us. the hot soup was filling, almost enough to put us to sleep in the leaky tent. we woke up freezing in a huge puddle, possibly the most excruciating night ive ever experienced. the sun came out and we were ready to leave munich behind. unaware of what was to come, we hopped in a car and headed east on the autobahn.

1 comment:

  1. (Flo geiger, met in obersdorf)
