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Praha Praha Praha!

how do you find a chevy in germany? look for the slowest car on the autobahn. the pretty girls that picked us up munich started our great day. they dropped us off at the mecca of petro stations, the onramp went on forever. perfect for slow traffic to laugh at us dancing with enough room to pull over. in minutes every hitchhikers dream came true for us in the form of an RV. Fk yeah! it didnt last long, but i still scratched it off the list. a german engineer crossed us over the invisible line they call a national border and we were now in the czech republic. eastern europe wasnt as rebuilt as the western, theres was a gloomy chill that penetrated my jacket. it was cold and even in the daylight everything seemed so grey. miguel returned from the store yelling "HAHA! WERE IN PARADISE MY FRIEND!". after taxes and comission his 5 euros turned into 108 crowns. we had a good needed laugh but the money conversion really threw us off. we argued for longer than we should have over the price of a czech car in euros and it began to get dark. a truce for street smarts vs book smarts. the citizens of this new country seemed to be stiff, no regard for others. even couchsurfing ahead of time proved to be harder than expected. miguel miraculously found us a host in the capital and i was dreading the thought of another horrible night in the rain. we HAVE to keep moving! just then a sexy blonde woman pulled in and went inside. this is it, every egg in this basket, ill beg if i have to. she came out seeing our great big smiles with our sign *PRAHA* aiming straight at her. she couldnt resist but to waive us in. how far are you going? we asked. she smiled and pointed to the sign, we would be there in a few hours fkn ay! her oversized sunglasses, tight jeans and heels made it look like she must have came from LA. nevertheless, conversation was difficult, she spoke a thick mix of english, german and czech. we werent on the autobahn anymore, but it didnt stop her from stepping on it. i asked her if she like to drive fast. she replied "is no prohblem" blushed and confessed "one tyme, poliz stop [gestured her car] and i giv massaj [giggles] no teeket". oh really? she grinned, mounted the shades on her nose and turned up the death metal. miles down the road she picked up a call and spoke to the man on the other side in czech. whatever she said had a naughty tone to it, language barriers only hold me back so much. "is that your boyfriend?" i asked "yes [chuckles] i hav menny boyfrens" she blushed again. we passed prague city limits and she offered a tour of the city. within ten minutes she had zigzagged through downtown flying by pedestrians "this iz old bridge; this iz museum of communism; this iz where michael jackson concert; this iz hotel obama stay" proudly showing off her home. dankyeh! "no no no!forr yu, no prrohblem" she kept reassuring us. we borrowed her phone and called out host max. eager to help she took back her phone for directions, but only made it harder since he was canadian and spoke little of her language. "beeforr yu go, yu kall kay" and handed us a business card. massages; sports injury, stress, pleasures... no way, could she be an escort? she let us off on his block around eleven. miguel went looking for max while i waited beneath the lit entrance of an alberts. a suspicious man came out of the darkness and handed me a strange alcoholic drink in a styrofoam cup. i suspected the tobacco lured him to me so i gave him a cigarret to roll. we had a broken conversation, his missing teeth and drunk state of mind started to intimidate me. miguel appeared from the shadows with our host for my rescue. max was a metal head, long dirty blonde hair past his shoulders, a sleeve tattoo of a wizard in an epic battle against a fierce dragon, and he even had a piercing high on his nose between his eyebrows. he was a really awesome guy, couldnt help but to laugh about our prostitute story. we went out for drinks on him, and a little bit of pool. three straight games of pure suck, then back to his flat. it was Nov 2nd,one month into the adventure, ill never forget because there was a shooting on the 6th floor of the PCL at UT austin. wow i remember i would always hangout there. next day we explored prague, this city was pretty amazing with all its ancient buildings. this one bridge was there hundreds of years before america was even born. prague castle was magnificent up close as well as from afar. continuing as cheap tourists, we boarded a train along with a few uniformed ticket checkers. Fuck! I panicked and jumped off.
miguel was too cool to care so he stayed put. the doors closed and he was gone. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Since he was the one that found our host, he had all his contact info; address, email, and phone number. all i had was tram number 7 to go on without the name of the stop. all alone and lost, i hopped from tram to tram, touring the city free for hours. it got dark and i started to worry. by mere chance i thought i recognized a street, why didnt i pay more attention when we left? yes this is it! miguel had only beat me by about 45 minutes "where the hell were you?" they asked "me? oh i was still exploring. alright fine, i was lost all day".
we cooked a vegetarian dinner and went out to the disco. his friends veronica and roman despite their warm welcoming personalities,were more goth than him. they dressed heavily in black trench coats, accessorized with chains and tall boots. you know, the eye liner, moshing, cross burning type. i hadnt come across people this into hard music, impressive i admit, these guys are wicked! veronica was beautiful, i was infatuated with her style, she was a demon princess that didt take shit. roman was eighteen, intelligent enough to speak 6 languages with a zangief build. i doubt any man at any age would want a fight with him. i snuck in a beer from the market across the street and poured it into an empty glass at the table, about a fourth of the price at the bar. europe on a budget! it got late and the trains stopped running so we kept drinking until they ran again. max told us the ticketers were a joke, the most they could do was call the police and hope theyd arrive to fine us. one uniformed man tried to stop me but i was able to juke around him. what? i dont hear anything. no fine for me thanks. frustration grew between miguel and i. we were attached at the hip for weeks and it was starting to show. he was pissing me off when they would ask us where we were going next and he would reply with "well I'M going here and I'M going there". i wanted to confront him but never managed it. time was against us, our plane would be flying off in a month from barcelona to argentina with or with out us. Berlin was the capital of germany, one last city to check out before racing towards spain.


  1. Ahaha, great to read about this shit dude. I totally forgot about some of the stories.

    You comin' back, or what? :P

    1. yessir ill be there soon, just let the weather warm down a bit
      gotta stop in prague. stay tuned crazier shit happens....

  2. you boys are absolutely crazy i love it!!!

  3. thanks for reading :) stay tuned,it gets crazier
